Snader Baby #10 Gender Reveal
The Snader’s are expecting a new baby in 2025!
The Snader’s are expecting a new baby in 2025!
In early September 2024, the Moriah Ministries team came up to Alaska and had a weekend for the men and boys and River of Life Fellowship. Some of the time was spent setting of exploding targets, which you can see in this video…. This content is for subscribers only.RegisterAlready a member? Log in here...
At 8 PM Eastern Standard Time, our gun give away live stream starts! (4 PM Alaska Time) Tom Burkholder will join us, along with Chad Zimmerman.
We hit a snag in our gun giveaway-the engraver just finished up with it, a few hours ago. But-we are still going to give it away! (of course)
Our fourth full day of hunting was moderately successful, with Paul and myself (Matt) each getting a doe. Paul’s was actually a button buck. This may be our last day of hunting, depending on the weather and the float plane schedule. Stay posted!
Day three of Afognak Island turned out some positive results, with several deer down! Paul still hasn’t gotten a Kodiak bear, nor have we seen anyway. Tom tagged out, with three doe, Kit celebrated turning 18 by bagging his first blacktail deer, and Markel managed to take down a buck. I managed to take down […]
Day Two was a bust, no deer, no bears, but Paul did bag three ducks. I managed to scare a fox off by shooting at it nine times with a Glock (not on video, sorry). It was terrible windy today, but at least there was no rain.
Currently we are deer and bear hunting (Paul has a Kodiak bear tag) on Afognak Island, I am updating with my Starlink system. This is Day 1, and also the day before when we traveled to Kodiak and then to Afognak. I am using the 45-70 rifle that we are giving away at the end […]
Our last stop in Italy, and then we head home! While in this part of Italy, I rented a Ferrari and managed to hit over 130 mph with it, on a racetrack, of course. Marlene and I also take a gondola ride through the canals of Venice. It is the conclusion to an exciting, and…...
We took a quick trip down to the Almafi Coast of Italy, just to see it. It is rather famous, but also a bit pricey so we didn’t stay long. Our house was $1,000 for one night, which was several thousand cheaper than the motel nearby! We stayed in nicer accommodations (other places) for much,…...
We visited the city of Rome, seeing the Vatican and the Colosseum. On the way there we stopped to look at the leaning tower of Pisa. While in Rome, we tried the local food, including pizza and shrimp eyeballs (ugh). The photos and videos are in chronological order, with the newest at the top and…...
Our first stop in Italy was the small town of Bologna, we stayed there a bit before heading to Rome…. This content is for subscribers only.RegisterAlready a member? Log in here...
Our stay in Switzerland was brief, and busy! The older three girls went bungee jumping, while the rest of us had to settle with eating candy and ice cream. The children climbed through trees thirty feet off the ground, and tried out some zip lines. We also took a train ride to the top of…...
We stayed in Normandy for two days, and hired a taxi to take us to the Omaha beach, which was almost a two hour drive away. Originally I thought Normandy Beach was right beside Omaha Beach and all the associated landing sites. We toured the D-Day sites and were reminded how terrible and somber D-Day…...
The elevator ride up was actually a hair frightening, as you can tell by the language that I have removed from the video. This was the result of other people in the elevator, not our group. See all the videos and slides of Paris here.
The Eiffel Tower was our highlight in Paris. In fact, I wouldn’t go to Paris for any other reason. Standing at over 1,000 feet tall, and built in the 1880’s, it was an amazing feat for it’s time, and is still impressive today…. This content is for subscribers only.RegisterAlready a member? Log in here...
The Titanic was built in Belfast, and they apparently were pretty upset when a Scottish captain sank it only a few days into it’s first voyage. The museum was interesting and built right in front of the actual construction spot of the Titanic, the museum is the same height and width as the center of…...
While in Belfast, we visit the Giant’s Causeway, as well as many other sights in and around Belfast…. This content is for subscribers only.RegisterAlready a member? Log in here...
Here are some photos and videos of us and the sights around Galway, Ireland. We visit a McDonalds, the Cliffs of Moher, and more! Note that the videos and photos are arranged in chronological order, with the newest at the top and oldest at the bottom…. This content is for subscribers only.RegisterAlready a member? Log...
October 2: 2023: This is my first blog post in years, I typically only do videos or photos, but I like writing better. Perhaps I’ll do more soon on the website, but I tend to write so many articles and other things that I get tapped out by the time it comes to update the […]